On meditation

Dana Wheeles
2 min readFeb 5, 2021
Painting of a woman sitting in meditation lost in thought, on top of an ocean where an angler fish and lamprey eel swim.
Watercolor by Dana Wheeles (2020, All rights reserved)

Here’s what I’ve learned about meditation. At first, yes, it’s about quieting the mind. Most of us have incessantly chatty brains and simply finding space in between the thoughts can be a huge relief.

But if we persist, we can drop beneath the thoughts to explore the realm of our subconscious. This is not an easy journey. Our most painful memories and toxic beliefs await us there, like monsters we want to escape. But these monsters are also our friends: they show us where we need to heal. If we are brave enough to face the abyss of our subconscious, we can become more whole. We are no longer living from fear and shame.

And if we go deeper still, we can find a deep and abiding peace. In this space, there is no ego, no individual sitting on the cushion. We are simply held in the awareness of the present moment. This is precious. We may not be able to find it every day, but once we experience it, the memory remains with us. And this is why it is worth it to keep sitting, even on the days when we’re lost in thought, or drowning in grief or fear. The present moment awaits you, no matter how you’re feeling today. You are held, and you are loved.

Originally published to the Deerhawk Facebook page, July 2020.



Dana Wheeles

Life coach, artist, and student of trauma and healing. Founder of Deerhawk Healing and Art Studio.